I completed a PhD in 2017, investigating the neurophysiological and neuromuscular time course of fatigue and recovery following strength training. I have taught at a university level since 2013 and spent ~9 years working in private strength and conditioning and personal training. This has given me a comprehensive understanding of strength training across various demographics.
I am currently a lecturer in the Master of Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning) program at Edith Cowan University. My research encompasses several areas linked to exercise-induced fatigue, strength training and associated neuromuscular and neurophysiological adaptations. Recently, I have begun to use strength sports athletes as a real-world model to investigate strength training across the lifespan. I have published numerous scientific articles, presented at local, national and international conferences, provided guest seminars for industry bodies, and currently supervise three postgraduate students.
I have previously coached local, national and international powerlifting athletes and have met many interesting, motivated and great people. Outside of work, I enjoy watching and participating in Australian Rules football.